Stress and nervous breakdowns

Get this I’m 20, I’m getting pain in my womb from a recent coil removing and my belly is swelling, my grandad thinks I’m getting fat, my mum thinks I’m getting fat, I don’t wanna be fat, I’d rather be pregnant.
But let’s hope I’m not that either, I went through some hard times at Uni, I can’t even remember what I was doing, well I hadn’t even started my course yet.
I needed some help with issues, issues that happened back home.
I hate myself for it, yet there was nothing I could do to stop it.
Trust is a powerful thing, even Darren brown could tell you that, when do we start hypnotising ourselves, making ourselves realise our full potential.
I watched “limitless” the other day, thinking that guy is me, ever since my eyes have got better my sense of smell is amazing, my skin is clearer apart from the stress area I have on my chin.

Am I curing myself of my eyesight? my nose is getting smaller, am I doing that too?

I’m also growing, well I feel like I am, I feel like I’m getting taller, but my grandparents are shrinking because of there bad backs! Feel like Alice, in wonderland takes a shroom she grows taller, Alice obviously had an addiction to wacky backy like me!

I have an addiction to danger, oooh danger, have you ever seen the movie 13 when them girls go the wrong way?

Yep! Been there done that, I just did it at 19, better age, still leaves you fucked in head. It’s 8:11am on a Wednesday and I’m comin out with this bollocks, GOOD MORNING INTERNET PEOPLE!

See the moral of the story is, when it stops being fun, put the joint down!

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